(B19) Installation Shots

[portfolio_slideshow size=large autoplay=true random=false centered=true carousel=true navstyle=graphical navpos=top pagerstyle=thumbs pagerpos=bottom slideheight=522] View installation shots of the exhibition, (B19), which opened at Long Island University’s Humanities Gallery on Sunday May 6th, Freud’s 156th birthday. (B19) is a group show organized by Romanov Grave members Matt Freedman and Laurence Hegarty. (B19) takes its title from Berggasse 19, […]
(B19) The Psychic Life of Objects

Read the essay by Matt Freedman and Laurence Hegarty. for the exhibition. (B19) is a group show organized by Romanov Grave members Matt Freedman and Laurence Hegarty. (B19) takes its title from Berggasse 19, the address of Freud’s original Vienna psychoanalytical office. The exhibition opens at Long Island University’s Humanities Gallery on Sunday May 6th, Freud’s 156thbirthday.

Opens at Long Island University’s Humanities Gallery on Sunday May 6th, Freud’s 156th birthday. (B19) is a group show organized by Romanov Grave members Matt Freedman and Laurence Hegarty. (B19) takes its title from Berggasse 19, the address of Freud’s original Vienna psychoanalytical office. Read David Brody’s review of (B19) – Meth Lab of the […]