Guidelines for Curators
We have been gathering information on local institutions that accept proposals from independent curators and thought we would share our provisional list with you. The list is focused on our community in New York City and it surroundings. We hope you find it useful.
Not For Profits
A 600 word idea based proposal will be accepted online only for the Unsolicited Proposal Program. The 2010-11 application process has closed. Check the website for future submission dates.
To propose an exhibition include the following in your application: a written statement, digital images, resume of the curator and a list of technical equipment necessary. You will be responsible for staffing the show and creating programming, so it is quite DIY. Curators with gallery affiliations will not be accepted. They accept proposals year-round. Check website for exact submission details.
Chashama has several locations for its exhibitions.
Dorsky Gallery
Submit visuals of the artists’ work, a one or two page written proposal, a sample of writing that would be part of a published 1,500-2000 word essay for the brochure to accompany the exhibition and a resume of the curator. All costs and expenses associated with the exhibit will be funded by the gallery and the curator will receive a fee.
No Longer Empty
No Longer Empty is interested in hearing from curators who would like to submit proposals for consideration in future projects. As each exhibition is site specific, NLE will draw on those submissions as the opportunity arises. For more information email
NurtureArt is very welcoming to curators, beginning their submission guidelines with the statement, “NURTUREart wants to be as helpful and supportive of emerging curators as possible.” NurtureArt has an emphasis on local and emerging artists and is interested in themes and concepts not easily seen in mainstream art venues. Half of the artists proposed for an exhibition must live in New York and be in the NurutureArt Artist Registry. They require an exhaustive proposal with images, statements, artist and curator resumes. While there are some strict requirements for their proposal they are happy to give curators advice on how to build a complete and comprehensive proposal.
Deadline: May 1 – See their website for complete details.
Smack Mellon
Smack Mellon wants curators to pay particular attention to the unusual architecture of their space and to their mission, supporting under-recognized mid and late career, emerging and women artists. They expect a fully prepared proposal including a curatorial statement, images of proposed artists’ work, resumes of the the artists and curators. While they give a small stipend and administrative support they expect “a hands-on approach”. Though not as DIY as other newer alternative spaces, curators and artists are responsible for many aspects of organizing an exhibition. Check their website for details.
White Columns Inc
Submit only a brief written outline of the proposed exhibition (under 250 words) and no additional or supporting material. White Columns seems to be primarily interested in the ideas behind a show and curators will supply details once the process gets starting.
Jersey City Museum
Curating proposals are very basic. To propose an exhibition, send a description of the project or idea, 20 jpgs on a CD-ROM, artist statement, resume and SASE to the Jersey City Museum. See their website for address and further instructions.
Newark Museum
Proposals are accepted but there are no specific guidelines. Send proposal for exhibition to Beth Venn, Curator of Contemporary Art.