There is a moment, if memory serves, about halfway through Godard’s Pierrot Le Fou, where his camera is following Belmondo and Karina as they scarper across the cliffs overlooking some gorgeous Mediterranean inlet. They are on the lam; someone is dead, killed. I do not recall if they are being chased, probably. Tension mounts, (that […]
Collaborate, Contaminate, Care

Tucked away in a quiet area in the center of Amsterdam are the 120-odd studios of Atelier WG, named after the former hospital Wilhelmina Gasthuis, on which premises the studios are located. The studios are spread over two buildings: still known as ‘maternity ward’ and ‘eye clinic’ respectively. Some of the artists working in either […]
What a World

The individual works of art in “What a World, What a World” hold together in such a seamless narrative that walking into the exhibition felt like dropping into a world ready-made.

Hands are well known for picking noses and pockets, giving fingers, reaching across oceans and the like. In the 1960s some were making peace signs. In 1968 one of Richard Serra’s was catching lead. It takes a little help from the title to grasp (sorry) what is actually happening. Off screen someone is dropping or […]
Utopia in Red Light District

W139 was the venue for Now Babylon, a site-specific show that researched the topic of Utopia. The exhibition was curated and produced by New Sculpture Department (NSD), who invited ten more artists to join them for the occasion.* The title is derived from New Babylon, the Utopian project from the 1950s of Dutch artist Constant. […]
Aernout Mik Videos

Mud, silence, soft violence Groupdynamical and art-critical aspects in Aernout Mik’s video-installations by Arnout ter Haar & Dineke Blom Introduction How do people behave in large groups? Are we as individuals still capable of intervening in the ordering of our society or is apathy ruling in Western society? These are questions that arise when visiting […]
Supports / Surfaces by Nick Van Zanten

The French Supports/Surfaces painters of the 1970’s have been woefully overlooked in America, which is especially remarkable given how many young abstract painters seem to be following in their footsteps today. The appropriately named Supports/Surfaces at Canada on Broome St through July 20 aims to fix this. Works hang from the ceiling and sit on […]
Pop goes the Easel

Pop Art and Its Progeny at the Lyman Allyn Museum curated by Barbara Zabel by Howard Foster There was never anything “gnarled” in Pop art. There was no matted undergrowth. Though there may or may not have been a rebuke of advertising, there was still always an unctuous mirroring of its perfect surfaces. And more […]
Catherine Mosley at AIR Gallery

AGENT FROM THE OUTLANDS CATHERINE MOSLEY ———— NEW WORK “Sometimes reality is too complex for oral communication.” Enter the gravelly teachings of the fascist Alpha 60 computer, following the musical dragnet of the films opening frames. I am referring, of course, to Jean- Luc Godard’s kooky 1965 fusion of science fiction, pulp, and surrealism — […]
Kunstvlaai: Festival of Independents

In Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Kunstvlaai: Festival of Independents took place from 23 November through 2 December 2012. Over seventy independent art institutions, art schools and artist-led initiatives from the Netherlands and abroad presented themselves in a building that, until two weeks before the opening, housed a secondary school. The name ‘Kunstvlaai’ needs translating and explaining. […]