1000 Road Movies

“And it seemed to me I was not necessarily going for good and that I might come back one day, by devious winding ways, to the place I was leaving” […]
On Fire, 2

Yeah, this is signage directing you to a youtube trailer for a Calvin Klein ad campaign called Provocations. Looks like a fireball in a kind of Farnsworthy house and it’s probably not a stretch to say that it’s meant to look like art. Another raid? More worries about high water. The house’s real close to […]
On Fire, 1

The end of civilization? Douglas Gordon’s The End of Civilization. Tattoed artist and camera operators. It’s a location shoot, has its own making of video and looks like Hollywood. Calling James Franco. Who? This is meant to look like the end of what? Piano burning somewhere near Hadrian’s Wall looking from England to Scotland or […]
Interview with Greg Drasler

FRAGMENTS OF AN INTERVIEW with GREG DRASLER by Romanov Grave To begin: A painterly fusion cuisine A kind of visual hyperbole Arresting Variegated, tectonic shifts of inside/outside, kaleidoscopic, prismatic Continuing my interests with containment and projection, I recollect myself in the auto interior. I began these paintings with thoughts of […]
Bellini’s Protestation

I recently found myself at The Frick Collection in New York (having temporarily escaped time and gravitational confines), where I was captivated by ‘St. Francis in the Desert’ – also called ‘St. Francis in Ecstasy.’ The artist Bellini raises endless questions for this visitor -I found some background on the protagonist of the picture: Trained […]
Dear Madam
I spend a lot of time on the computer now. Bought myself a new one. Aluminum unibody. Dual cores. 2.66 GHz, 8 gigs. Clean. De toute façon. Turn it on and the first look is blue like the real regard is up or out there. No such luck. Like being buried alive. Schlafwandeln. Awesome Cassette Tapes […]
More Online Curating
Advice from artists – scratch banality, find gold by Regina Hackett
Minus Space – Online Curating Projects
Here is a site with ongoing online curating projects. http://www.minusspace.com/category/viewlist/ Looking for more.
Anticipating Ruin, Mining the Past
Looking forward… or is it all over? If the current state of curated group shows is any indications, there may not be a way new way or a different way to find some meaning in the art being made now without looking backward. Historical amnesia. All genres have been coopted and cyncisim is a style rather […]
Everyone Curating, All The Time.
If consuming was the essential activity of the late 20th century, then curating is its replacement in the 21st.