Brian Gaman

In 2014, Brian Gaman, one of the founders of Romanov Grave died. We miss his exacting intellect and his rigorous vision for art but hope this page will help us and the art community remember him. A friend of his once said he was a fringe dweller. It turns out fringe is the place where […]
A Reminiscence of Carol Hepper

Sarah van Ouwerkerk remembers Carol Hepper who passed away on April 29 2021.
Listening to her, I was transported back to my own childhood in Wisconsin, lying in a cow pasture with my sister, staring up at the sky and thinking life was perfect. I will always be grateful for those conversations that reminded me of how I got here. They were sweet, tender, and inspiring. Theory, the business of art, all that comes later and is often more difficult to navigate. First, the artist has to be born, and Carol knew where she came from.

Earth receive an honored guest, our lightening sketch artist is laid to rest. But hey, not so fast. When Matt Freedman died on October 24, 2020 he left behind a studio brimming with artifacts; seems the artist was not quite emptied of his poetry after all.* And that the first image of Freedman’s studio should […]
Matt Freedman at Studio10

Matt’s intellect and curiosity were the most pronounced things about him. For him it wasn’t hierarchical, he was curious about everything. If you would tell him something about yourself or have a story to tell, he wanted to listen. Often bemused.
Free-D: On the Sculpture of Matt Freedman

by Lisa Hein, 12 Feb 2021 Matt Freedman had so many talents it takes a village to recount them. This essay is about his sculpture, which populated his studio like breeding tribbles. Besides masks and models and bobblehead self-portraits, Freedman made scores of tiny effigies to give as gifts. They were everything a serious artist […]
Matt Freedman, Only Friendship Is Eternal

As the Romanov Grave artists Zoomed after Matt Freedman’s death, considering how to honor Matt, it became apparent that we all secretly harbored the view that he was better than us. He was just plain smarter, more curious, funnier, kinder, more multi-faceted, and probably better looking too. As tributes to Matt have poured in, ever more aspects of his life appear, from athlete to academic, multifaceted maker, collaborator and curator, showman, raconteur; and we want to make space here to record all of that.
Matt Freedman – Interviews 2015
Matt Freedman, one of the founders of Romanov Grave, died on October 24, 2020. Matt Freedman was a prodigious sculptor, performer, writer and curator. We cherish his memory and his art and writing.
Remembering Ellen Lanyon

Remembering Ellen Lanyon This compilation of words and pictures builds on the memorials, the receptions and conversations among friends following the passing of Ellen Lanyon. Deeply missed and hard to forget for the lives that she touched, we intend this document to be open for continued remembering and appreciation. She was magic. We were anticipating […]