EXTENDED TO October 31, 2019 Opening Reception: Saturday, August 31, 4 to 6 PM August 31 to September 30, 2019 R.E. Steele Red Horse Plaza, 74 Montauk Highway East Hampton, New York Inside Interiors—August 31 to September 30, 2019—is a nimble juxtaposition of design, furniture, painting, sculpture and photography in the tradition of the […]

Deferred Vision, a show within SPRING/BREAK Art Show. Curated by Fintan Boyle and Matt Freedman for Romanov Grave. Vernissage Tuesday February 28 2017, 5 PM – 9 PM Show days March 1- 6 2017, 11 AM – 6 PM 4 Times Square, enter on 43rd Street 23rd floor, Rooms 2313 and 2315 Deferred Vision […]
Fish Tank

Curated by Fintan Boyle and Matt Freedman for Romanov Grave. LIU, Brooklyn, Humanities Gallery, 2016. From the catalogue essay: …Owning and displaying fish has a long pedigree then. It is a particular subset of the culture of display. Roman elites showed off their barbells to their guests. A restricted, narrow audience one imagines. In the […]
Spiral Bound – Invitation

North of my Brain, South of my Ass

An exhibition of hats and shoes by artists, curated by Matt Blackwell and Laurence Hegarty for Romanov Grave. The show is at Studio 10, 56 Bogart Street in Bushwick and is open from June 21 – July 21, 2013
(B19) Installation Shots

[portfolio_slideshow size=large autoplay=true random=false centered=true carousel=true navstyle=graphical navpos=top pagerstyle=thumbs pagerpos=bottom slideheight=522] View installation shots of the exhibition, (B19), which opened at Long Island University’s Humanities Gallery on Sunday May 6th, Freud’s 156th birthday. (B19) is a group show organized by Romanov Grave members Matt Freedman and Laurence Hegarty. (B19) takes its title from Berggasse 19, […]
(B19) The Psychic Life of Objects

Read the essay by Matt Freedman and Laurence Hegarty. for the exhibition. (B19) is a group show organized by Romanov Grave members Matt Freedman and Laurence Hegarty. (B19) takes its title from Berggasse 19, the address of Freud’s original Vienna psychoanalytical office. The exhibition opens at Long Island University’s Humanities Gallery on Sunday May 6th, Freud’s 156thbirthday.

Opens at Long Island University’s Humanities Gallery on Sunday May 6th, Freud’s 156th birthday. (B19) is a group show organized by Romanov Grave members Matt Freedman and Laurence Hegarty. (B19) takes its title from Berggasse 19, the address of Freud’s original Vienna psychoanalytical office. Read David Brody’s review of (B19) – Meth Lab of the […]

video<>object is a show curated by Laurence Hegarty for Romanov Grave. It presents the work of five artists: Nancy Davidson, Yasue Maetake, Halsey Rodman, Jeanne Silverthorne and Moira Williams. The show was presented at the Dorsky Gallery Curatorial Program located at 11-03 45th Ave, Long Island City, NY 11101, 718.937.6317. Download a pdf of the catalog: DorskyShow […]
Spiral Bound – When Found Make a Note of
Essay for Spiral Bound “WHEN FOUND, MAKE A NOTE OF” —Captain Cuttle in Dickens Dombey and Son “Passed over for the Nobel prize,” Freud glibly notes in his journal: Or this: a tale is told of the leaders of the Irish revolution traveling to Moscow in 1919. They meet with Lenin. Lenin asks them “How […]